Siphon phenomenon is a kind of natural countervailing force. Three sets of curve screen with displaying problems and an HD digital projector constitute a unique and imperfect image container which bridges viewer's abnormal watching experience to their familiar but not recognized device. Through Siphon, light and shadow are twisted as an unpredictable sensory tunnel, and viewers will feel like traveling back to the analog signal age in a dream. This is a combination of two video presentation mode—Installation exhibition and live screening, and it contains not only a sense of space but also a choreography of time.Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, image language changes a lot. Siphon makes people aware of the attitude of reflection, at the same time, understands the importance of spatial and temporal variations presented by the medium in the art. BISFF2019 will show 13 experimental works from around the world in the Siphon presentations.
In BISFF2022, due to the conflict between the physical exhibition and the epidemic prevention policy, we changed to the form of big-screen screening, but we will still retain the original curatorship title and ideas.(Dawei DING)
See film details here
RAW POWER | 原始力量
Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt
Canada, Japan
Behind Closed Doors | 门后的秘密
Hugo Ljungbäck
United States of America
A Strange Sound | 奇怪的噪音
Nolan Kjarsgaard
Three Pride Flags | 三面骄傲的旗帜
Tom Bessoir
United States of America
The Perfect Room | 完美之家
Leonardo Pirondi
United States of America, Brazil
Effulgent Gleam | 灿烂的光芒
Leonardo Pirondi
United States of America
Atsuhiko Watanabe
Chick Wash | 雏浴
Betahny De Forest
Guli Silberstein
UK, Poland
Red House | 红房子
Barry Doupé
corps minéral | 矿体
Charline Dally, Gabrielle Harnois-Blouin
Train Song | 铁路之歌
赵延彬 Zhao Yanbin
United States of America
Four Seas, One Home | 四海/一家
王小红 Hong Yane Wang
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
A Message from the Last Summer | 去年夏天的消息
茅居一 Mao Juyi
United States of America
Warren Bass
United States of America
To Live and Die in the Shadows: Meditations on Ferns, Survival and Horizontal Gene Transfer
Shannon Silva
United States of America
Robert Seidel
Panta Rhei (everything is in flux) | 流动的一切
United States of America