The Layered Path
《艾哈迈杜》是托马索·科特罗内(Tommaso Cotronei)在BISFF2021展出的作品《伊斯梅尔 - 安拉 - 切》(Ismael - Allah - Che)的延伸项目,他继续以人类学影像的手法将镜头瞄准西撒哈拉铁路上的游民们,迁徙的决心被风沙腐蚀殆尽的铁皮裹挟着,在无尽的沙海中滚滚向前。德国导演亨里克·迈耶(Henrike Meyer)则将自己作为临时演员闯入电影、电视和广告行业的经历改编成一则混合手法的作品,《成为一个配角》质疑从业人员的存在感,进而是商业图像的可信度,最后延伸至对图像权力结构的探讨。《我们生活的内在》则是一部基于8毫米家庭录像档案的虚构口述史,虚构了两个女孩交叠却被分隔的成长故事。
Since its establishment in 2018 at BISFF, the Neutron section has become a core component of the festival, dedicated to showcasing medium-length films with durations between 46 and 75 minutes. The selection criteria for Neutron focus on each film's forward-looking vision, imaginative expression, and profound social insight, aiming to present works that are innovative in form and rich and complex in theme. The unique duration of medium-length films offers creators great narrative freedom, allowing them to strike a balance between the conciseness of short films and the richness of feature films. We hope these works not only reflect the complexities of contemporary society but also inspire philosophical and cultural reflections through the art of cinema. Each year, BISFF presents these high-quality medium-length films to audiences through Neutron, offering a viewing experience that combines breadth and depth while building bridges for cross-cultural and interdisciplinary dialogue.
This year's BISFF Neutron section features the following five films. Ahmedou, directed by Tommaso Cotronei, is an extension of his 2021 BISFF film Ismael - Allah - Che. Using anthropological cinematic techniques, Cotronei’s lens continues to focus on the nomads of the Western Sahara railway, with the rusting train cars carrying their eroded determination through the endless sea of sand. German director Henrike Meyer transforms her experiences as a stand-in actor in the film, television, and advertising industries into a hybrid narrative. To Be an Extra questions the presence of industry professionals, the credibility of commercial imagery, and ultimately delves into the power structures behind images.
The Insides of Our Lives is a fictional oral history based on 8mm family video archives, imagining the intertwined yet divided coming-of-age stories of two girls. A House Without The Poet is an observational documentary that centers on the daily life of the late poet Haizi’s mother in the “Haizi Residence.” It explores the intersection of literary pilgrimage, local tourism development, and personal emotional life, reflecting on the continuation and reinvention of the "Haizi phenomenon" within the Chinese context. Finally, Flames, Snow, and a Yellow Rose focuses on the everyday struggles of a nearly 50-year-old bachelor in a small town in Northeast China. With a tender gaze toward a protagonist who is both a familiar family member and a humble everyman, the director weaves a quiet symphony of ordinary life and harsh fate.
The Insides of Our Lives, Misja Pekel, 2024
To Be an Extra|成为一个配角
Henrike Meyer
2024|01:10:45|Germany|German, English|亚洲首映 Asian Premiere
Tommaso Cotronei
2024|0:45:00|Mauritania|Arabic|亚洲首映 Asian Premiere
The Insides of Our Lives|我们生活的内在
Misja Pekel
2024|0:50:00|Netherlands|English|中国大陆首映 Chinese Mainland Premiere
A House Without The Poet|诗人不在屋里
Vita Zhang
2024|0:59:57|China|Chinese Dialect, Chinese Mandarin|世界首映 World Premiere
Flames, Snow, and a Yellow Rose|烟火白雪黄玫瑰
Chao Wang
2024|01:13:50|China|Chinese Mandarin