星辰 ASTRO 聚焦影人单元:特别策划的星辰单元将呈现葡萄牙导演米格尔·戈麦斯(Miguel Gomes)的7部早期短片作品,带领观众深入探索他对现实与幻想之间微妙界限的探索。这些短片展现了戈麦斯通过细腻影像语言与实验性叙事表达的艺术视角,揭示了他对身份、情感和社会景观的深思。这些作品不仅确立了戈麦斯富有个性的创作风格,也为他之后的长片创作奠定了艺术基础。
回响 ECHO 档案电影单元:该单元通过家庭影像、机构档案、胶片、VHS等媒介的23部影片,探讨影像如何唤起记忆的深层结构,触及边缘历史与当代技术的碰撞。回响单元通过档案式影像创作构建起记忆与现实的连接,唤起观众对历史与当下的思考。
曙光 AURORA 华语展映单元:曙光单元汇聚了27部华语短片,涵盖地缘政治、自然观察、家庭记忆和青年生活等主题。这些作品呈现了个体与社会、过去与未来的对话,回应观众对现代生活中孤独、漂泊及寻找自我认同的普遍关切。
虹吸 SIPHON 实验影像单元:虹吸单元特别推出实验影像系列,以“恋地(Topophilia)、游戏(Play)和显影学(Developology)”为核心主题,探讨影像在空间与记忆、符号延异以及图像生成上的实验性表达。恋地单元带领观众反思现代社会中地方感的消逝,游戏单元探索影像中符号的生成与秩序的脱逸,而显影学则深入影像技术的生产过程,试图揭示图像不仅是现实的映射,更是一种独立的存在方式。
中子 NEUTRON 中片展映单元:带来5部跨越纪录片、实验片和虚构故事的中片作品,展现了影像在文化、伦理、环境和科技议题上的独特视角。该单元影片利用中片长度的独特叙事自由,形成具有跨文化、跨学科的深刻对话。
CCAWxBISFF 环境影像单元 - 未来伦理学:特别策划的环境影像单元以“未来伦理学”(Future Ethics)为主题,集中展示18部关注气候危机、生态平衡和可持续发展的作品,通过多层次叙事探讨人类与自然共生的可能性,引导观众反思人类在生态网络中的角色,传达重塑人类在地球生态网络中的角色的迫切性。
月相 PHASE 女性影像单元:聚焦女性主义视角,精选25部作品展现女性在不同人生阶段的变化与成长。以月相为隐喻,Phase单元探索女性在各种身份、文化背景中的独特声音,彰显女性在亲密关系、社会偏见和自我实现中的韧性与力量,带领观众走进女性多样的内心世界。
The Beijing International Short Film Festival (BISFF) 2024 is set to open, showcasing over 260 short and medium-length films across competition and non-competition sections.
This year's program features an array of sections, including International Competition, Chinese-Language Competition, Nova Competition, and Non-Competition categories, as well as several special programs.
International Competition: Contemporary Perspectives on Body and Image
The International Competition features 72 films from over 30 countries, exploring the production and perception of the body in contemporary society. From idealized bodies to the absence of the body, the films delve into themes such as postmodern cybernetics and post-colonial anxieties. These works showcase the complex positioning of the body between control, consumption, and liberation, expanding the narrative space of cinema through innovative visual storytelling.
Chinese-Language Competition: Unique Regional Perspectives
The Chinese-Language Competition highlights the trend of regional expressions in Chinese filmmaking, with 23 selected works exploring themes such as regional identity, intergenerational life, and cross-border migration. Centered on "place," these films reveal the profound connections between individuals, culture, and society, offering a distinctive perspective on Chinese-language cinema in a global context.
Nova Competition: Fluid Experiences of Growth
The Nova Competition focuses on "coming-of-age imagery," exploring the transitions of life stages. Featuring 34 films, this section examines the multifaceted meanings of growth through intimate relationships, societal reflections, and self-awareness, transcending age and identity to offer expansive temporal and spatial viewing experiences.
Non-Competition Sections
Astro: A Retrospective of Miguel Gomes' Early Shorts This curated section presents seven early short films by Portuguese director Miguel Gomes, exploring the subtle boundary between reality and fantasy. These works reflect his artistic vision through experimental narratives and laid the foundation for his feature-length creations.
Echo: Peering into Archive Filmmaking Featuring 23 films employing media such as home movies, institutional archives, and VHS tapes, this section examines how film evokes deep memory structures and connects marginal histories with contemporary technologies.
Aurora: Chinese Shorts Vista Showcasing 27 short films, this section explores themes such as geopolitics, natural observation, family memories, and youth life, addressing universal concerns about identity, alienation, and belonging in modern society.
Siphon Experimental Film Container: This section features experimental works that explore themes of spatial memory, symbolic play, and the technological production of images, revealing the independent existence of images beyond mere reflections of reality.
Neutron for Mid-length Films Presenting five medium-length films across documentary, experimental, and narrative genres, this section offers profound cultural, ethical, environmental, and technological insights through the unique narrative freedom of medium-length storytelling.
Special Programs
WWFxBISFF Environmental Film Section - Future Ethics Focusing on climate crisis, ecological balance, and sustainability, this section presents 18 films addressing humanity's role in the planetary ecosystem, urging reflections on coexistence with nature.
Phase: Reflexion on Feminism Images Featuring 25 works, this section uses the metaphor of the moon phases to explore women's experiences across life stages, highlighting their resilience and voices in diverse contexts of identity, culture, and personal growth.
See Full Program here
UCCA当代艺术中心 UCCA Center for Contemporary Art
798, No. 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Beijing
11月23日 (星期六) | November 23 (Saturday) |
11月24日 (星期日) | November 24 (Sunday) |
11月25日 (星期一) | November 25 (Monday) |
11月26日 (星期二) | November 26 (Tuesday) |
11月27日 (星期三) | November 27 (Wednesday) |
11月28日 (星期四) | November 28 (Thursday) |
11月29日 (星期五) | November 29 (Friday) |
11月30日 (星期六) | November 30 (Saturday) |
北京德国文化中心·歌德学院(中国)Goethe-Institut China
Originality Square 798 Art District, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District
11月30日 (星期六) | November 30 (Saturday) |
12月1日 (星期日) | December 1 (Sunday) |
北京法国文化中心 Institut Français
18 Gongti Xilu, Guangcai International Mansion Chaoyang District
11月25日 (星期一) | November 25 (Monday) |
11月27日 (星期三) | November 27 (Wednesday) |
11月28日 (星期四) | November 28 (Thursday) |
11月29日 (星期五) | November 29 (Friday) |
南锣剧场 Nanluo Theater
No. 14, Juer Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing
11月23日 (星期六) | November 23 (Saturday) |
11月24日 (星期日) | November 24 (Sunday) |
11月26日 (星期二) | November 26 (Tuesday) |
11月27日 (星期三) | November 27 (Wednesday) |
11月28日 (星期四) | November 28 (Thursday) |
11月29日 (星期五) | November 29 (Friday) |
11月30日 (星期六) | November 30 (Saturday) |
导筒空间 Directube Space
B1-6066 Taobao City , Liyuan Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing
11月24日 (星期日) | November 23 (Sunday) |
11月26日 (星期二) | November 26 (Tuesday) |
11月27日 (星期三) | November 27 (Wednesday) |
11月28日 (星期四) | November 28 (Thursday) |
11月29日 (星期五) | November 29 (Friday) |
11月30日 (星期六) | November 30 (Saturday) |
12月1日 (星期日) | December 1 (Sunday) |