BISFF Correspondence 通信计划
This program involves conducting brief email interviews with the directors of the international films featured in the festival, in lieu of the traditional Q&A session that follows the screenings. Through this program, we hope to provide a platform for filmmakers to discuss their work and share their insights with our audience in China.
为了跨越种种障碍,开辟更多交流空间,我们设置了“BISFF Correspondence 通信计划”,对部分国际单元的参展作者进行系列访谈,这些访谈将在作品放映后发布在联展各个媒体平台。

Alfredo Marimon Carcamo
2024|0:22:44|Colombia|Castilian Spanish|Asian Premiere
Director: Alfredo Marimon Carcamo
Interviewer & Translator: Berger
Coordinator & Editor: Suliko
Q1: The hero of this film is Idier, but the title is "Tigers." I think this title has a strong sense of tension. Why did you choose this name? Does it have any metaphorical or thematic meaning?
A1: There are several convergences around the film’s title. On one hand, influenced by the Greater Caribbean, the term Tiger/Tiguere/Tigre has been incorporated into Cartagena’s popular culture as a reference to dangerous and fearless men. At the same time, the neighborhood where the characters of this universe live uses a gas station called "La Bomba del Tigre" as a geographical landmark, which made the term easily popularized in this area of the city. Beyond this brief etymology, "Tigers" are predators driven by a survival instinct that sharpens whenever life is at stake.
这部短片的标题蕴含着几个方面的意义,一方面,受到大加勒比地区(the Greater Caribbean)的影响,“老虎”(Tiger / Tiguere / Tigre)一词已经融入了喀他赫纳(Cartagena,哥伦比亚的一座海港城市,译注)的流行文化,用来形容那种危险且勇敢的男人。同时,电影中角色所在地区的地标是一座名为“La Bomba del Tigre”(老虎炸弹)的加油站,这使得“老虎”这个词在这一地区变得很流行。除了这些简短的词源解释,老虎还意味着在生存本能驱使下的捕食者,当它们的生命受到威胁时,这种本能会增强。
Q2: The cinematography in this film is impressive, especially the extensive use of shallow-focus shots. Could you share the creative intention about this style? Does it have a specific connection to the character’s psychological state?
A2: Indeed, the cinematography aimed to emphasize Idier’s psychological state, not only through depth of field but also through camera movement and sound. At the same time, there was a conscious understanding of the production team’s technical capabilities. Due to limited resources, the camera was operated by a single person, making it difficult to achieve precise focus for many shots. With this clarity, we decided to expressively leverage this production condition to depict the unfolding of the character’s psyche. Throughout the film, Idier undergoes a profound crisis—transitioning from feeling powerful and in control to being rejected by his family and abandoned by his accomplices.

Tigers, Alfredo Marimon Carcamo, 2024
Q3: There are several unexplained plots in the short film, such as Idier’s motive for shooting another person and the reason for his expulsion from the gang. Why did you choose this narrative strategy?
A3: The writing process for this film drew heavily from my own life experiences and those of the protagonists. Essentially, much of this universe resonates personally with them and with me. Together, we agreed that the logic of violence in a city like Cartagena often defies explanation. While acknowledging the power structures that foster and perpetuate these forms of violence, this film serves as an initial exploration of a universe full of complexities. On the other hand, I am not interested in cinema that explains life or conveys truths; I am interested in cinema that allows the viewer to experience a journey and question the meaning of the images.
Q4: The beach scene at the end is particularly striking, like delusion between reality and dream, especially the moment when some people stand behind Idier. How did you conceive this scene? What do you want audience to interpret from it?
A4: In its early drafts, the script had a much more poetic and dreamlike tone, but due to the nature of our production, we had to set aside many ideas that emphasized this blurring of boundaries between dreams, paranoia, and reality. This scene remains because of the need for a farewell. Idier is observed by his loved ones, who are dressed in mourning for his departure, and is threatened by his former accomplice, who remains uncertain about his actions. Despite the lack of a resolution, the allegory of death is what stands out.

Tigers, Alfredo Marimon Carcamo, 2024
Q5: I noticed that you’ve curated a list of favorite films on MUBI, including Claire Denis’s Beau travail. Did these films inspire you during the conception and production of your films? How do you see their influence on your works?
我注意到您在MUBI上收藏了一些喜爱的影片,比如克莱尔·德尼的《军中禁恋》(Beau travail)。在构思和拍摄自己的作品时,这些影片是否为您提供了灵感?您如何看待它们对您的创作的影响?
A5: For several years, I have worked with this group of young people from the Olaya neighborhood, and I have always been struck by the way they celebrate masculinity. Perhaps this curiosity about a homoerotic tension can be felt in connection to Claire’s film. However, as a programmer for the Cartagena Film Festival, I primarily nurture my perspective with Latin American references. I feel much more connected to cinema created in the Global South. In the case of Tigers, two references influenced, to varying degrees, some aesthetic and narrative decisions: on one hand, City of God, with its thematic overlap in exploring violence within Black communities; and on the other, Manta Ray by Phuttiphong Aroonpheng, which delves into male bonds amidst grief and a constant sense of loss.
这些年以来,我一直与奥拉亚(Olaya)地区的年轻人合作,他们对所谓男子气概的庆祝方式一直让我印象深刻。这种对同性之间暧昧张力的好奇心在某种程度上也许与克莱尔·德尼的电影有关系。然而,作为喀他赫纳电影节的节目策划,我主要还是受到拉丁美洲电影作品的影响。我感觉自己与全球南方的电影有更深的联系。在《群虎》的创作中,有两部作品在不同程度上影响了我的美学和叙事选择:一部是《上帝之城》(City of God),它和《群虎》有所呼应,因为我们都探索黑人社区的暴力主题;另一部是泰国导演普蒂邦·阿朗潘(Phuttiphong Aroonpheng)的《蝠鲼》(Manta Ray),它探索了悲伤中的男性纽带以及持续的失落感。
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