BISFF Correspondence 通信计划
This program involves conducting brief email interviews with the directors of the international films featured in the festival, in lieu of the traditional Q&A session that follows the screenings. Through this program, we hope to provide a platform for filmmakers to discuss their work and share their insights with our audience in China.
为了跨越种种障碍,开辟更多交流空间,我们设置了“BISFF Correspondence 通信计划”,对部分国际单元的参展作者进行系列访谈,这些访谈将在作品放映后发布在联展各个媒体平台。

The Assistant|La Asistente|助理人
Pierre Llanos
2023|0:19:43|Perú|Spanish |Chinese Mainland Premiere
Director: Pierre Llanos
Interviewer & Translator: Zifei Wang
Coordinator & Editor: Suliko
Q1: The Assistant explores themes of growing up and familial duty by capturing a formative moment in a 12-year-old girl’s life, who discovers the "secret" of her doctor father whom she has been assisting. What prompted you to tell this particular story?
A1: Many national issues and personal experiences came together to build this story. Probably the main one was wanting to portray child labor in a powerful and meaningful way for me. In Peru, child labor is no longer a problem, but rather a reality that spans across most social classes and no longer generates any kind of questioning. I always wanted to bring this issue to the cinema through the perspective of a child. The Assistant was the opportunity to do so.
Q2: The setting plays a crucial role in the storytelling, situated in a building with a bustling Chinese restaurant on the ground floor and a clinic operating just above. It feels incredibly grounded and realistic, capturing a sense of lived-in authenticity. Could you share more about the setting? Which came first—the story or the location? Did one inspire the other?
A2: In my country, it is very common for clandestine abortion clinics to be hidden behind the facades of other businesses. Specifically in Lima (the capital), there are certain areas where these clinics are on the second floor of Chinese-Peruvian restaurants; everyone knows about this and no one says anything. The script for the short film was always written with both spaces in mind, as it was narratively important for the child protagonist to move between a public space and another, a hidden, marginal one.

The Assistant, Pierre Llanos, 2023
Q3: The grainy, nostalgic aesthetic adds a distinct character to the film, almost like a memory coming to life, while the frequent use of close-ups and medium shots creates a sense of closeness and quiet observation. What camera or equipment did you use to achieve the visual result? Could you share more about how these choices were made?
A3: In fact, the visual style of the short film was inspired by the early films of Wong Kar Wai, one of my favorite directors. His visual style of handheld camera, grainy dreamlike images, and saturated colors were features I wanted in this project. I have always believed that the spaces in Hong Kong discovered in his films and the way he chooses to portray them could easily be translated to Lima, and it would work just as well. This short film is a personal first experiment in trying to bring that visual style to the spaces and realities I know.
Q4: While the film centres on the father-daughter bond, the encounter between Clara, the protagonist, and the patient seeking an abortion is also pivotal to the story. How did you approach portraying this interaction, and what role did it play in the development of Clara’s character?
A4: The character of Antonia, the young woman who comes to have an abortion, is important because she creates a new responsibility for Clara: she no longer just wants to help her father with the work, but also takes on the responsibility for Antonia's physical safety. It’s the way she has learned to live her life. The actresses developed a strong bond during rehearsals, so the construction of this relationship was very natural in front of the camera.

The Assistant, Pierre Llanos, 2023
Q5: Finally, is there anything from the filmmaking process that stands out to you as particularly memorable and that you'd like to share with us?
A5: Possibly, the most relevant aspect that I believe is worth highlighting is the casting process for the character of Clara. It was an ambitious process for a short film, for us, with around 40 girls cast in two different stages: one where we talked to the girls about the topics addressed in the project, and another with specific acting exercises. Additionally, it was not only a casting of the girl, but also of her family members, who had to be our allies in the process, as we needed a lot of maturity from everyone regarding these topics. Illari Perez shone during the process; she was the best of all, and it was very easy to work with her.
整个选角过程分为两个阶段,共有大约 40 名女孩参与试镜,对一个短片的制作来说,这是一个还挺奢侈的过程。在第一阶段,我们与女孩们探讨了影片中涉及的主题;第二阶段则是通过具体的表演练习来进行筛选。此外,选角不仅限于女孩本⼈,还涉及到她的家庭成员,因为我们希望在这个过程中得到他们的支持,并确保他们对这些敏感话题有成熟的理解。伊拉里·佩雷斯(Illari Perez)在试镜中脱颖而出,无疑是所有参与者中最出色的,与她的合作非常顺利。
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