BISFF Correspondence 通信计划
This program involves conducting brief email interviews with the directors of the international films featured in the festival, in lieu of the traditional Q&A session that follows the screenings. Through this program, we hope to provide a platform for filmmakers to discuss their work and share their insights with our audience in China.
为了跨越种种障碍,开辟更多交流空间,我们设置了“BISFF Correspondence 通信计划”,对部分国际单元的参展作者进行系列访谈,这些访谈将在作品放映后发布在联展各个媒体平台。

It's Time to Play Together|一緒に遊ぶ時間だよ|是时候一起游玩了
Kokoha Kubo
2024|0:16:22|Japan|Japanese|International Premiere
Director: Kokoha Kubo
Interviewer & Translator: Pincent Liu
Coordinator & Editor: Suliko
Q1: These images appear mainly from the documentation of your parents’ life and trips. First of all, can you tell us a bit about their experiences with cameras and filmmaking? It seems to me that some of the footage comes from experienced cameraperson, rather than casual recording. How did you communicate with them about your decision to make films based on their footage?
A1: The reason it might seem that way is that the footage was selected from long takes. My parents don’t have any special experience with cameras or filmmaking; these images were simply recorded as home movies. Capturing everyday life continuously is difficult, and we often have to decide what to include and what to leave out during filming. In that sense, I feel there is a lot I can learn from my parents' approach. I didn’t discuss this project with them beforehand. I’ve used home movies as material in previous works. At first, I hesitated to use them, but my parents seem to view their past selves and their present selves as completely separate. I really like this perspective.
Q2: I am curious about the creating process of the voice-over. Were some of the voice-over originally with footage? If some of the conversation/interview voice-over were added at a later stage, were they conducted while showing the footage in front of your parents? I wonder how this kind of process went. Also can you talk about the few complete silent scenes where there are subtitles still? Whose lines are they? Still one of your parents?
A2: I often get asked, "Are these your parents?" But the narration is not done by my parents. It was done by a couple who are friends of mine. Let me explain the process of making the narration. First, we wrote fictional dialogue for the silent scenes. One of the couple read the lines aloud, and the other listened. After that, the three of us discussed the footage, and the couple would talk while watching it. Since it was their first time seeing the footage, sometimes I would add explanations or suggest lines to guide the direction. There was some improvisation, and this was supported by their relationship.
In the silent scenes, we avoided making it clear whose lines they were. As one of my friends said, "Even if you're right in front of me, you can't really know. How many people are like me?" This illustrates that we can never fully know someone else's thoughts. Interestingly, when I showed the footage to my parents, my father said, "I don’t remember saying that, but maybe I felt that way." When my friend said, "It was cooler than outside. I remember that day as being strange," I thought it sounded like something my mother would say. In this way, I selected the words and images.
经常有人问我:“旁白是你的父母吗?” 但其实它不是由我的父母完成的,而是一对夫妇,他们是我的朋友。让我来解释一下旁白的制作过程。首先,我们为无声的场景编写了虚构的对白,这对夫妇中的一人朗读台词,另一人则倾听。之后,我们三人讨论镜头素材,这对夫妇一边看一边说。由于这是他们第一次看到这些镜头,有时我会添加一些解释或我建议的台词来引导方向。这其中有一些即兴创作,而他俩之间的关系也对这种即兴发挥有所帮助。

It's Time to Play Together, Kokoha Kubo, 2024
Q3: In the opening scene, the moving and flowing graininess in the shadow by the light attracts me a lot. How this kind of texture was captured? It is much a sense of encountering magical moments on the details of everyday life, which mirrors what this tender, sensual, and intimate film is perhaps about. Can you tell me why you put these lights and shadows in the opening part of the film, earlier than your parents’ physical appearance in the film?
A3: This footage was recorded the ceiling, with the focus shifting due to the brightness of the light. Originally, it was a short clip just a few seconds long, but as I extended its length, the movement of the particles appeared. It would have been great if this effect had been captured directly by the camera, but in reality, it emerged accidentally during the editing process. When you stare at one point for a long time, a visual illusion occurs where the edges seem to tremble. As a child, I thought "objects can’t withstand being stared at for too long." As you pointed out, this footage symbolizes the theme of the work, which is why I chose it. I placed it before the human figures appeared in the film because I wanted to give the impression that someone, somewhere, is talking in a room.
Q4: Unexpectedly, the parts of the film that were shot in China, a somehow foreign country to your parents, do not show much sense of exotic or alienated, but possibly a universal familiar sense to many audiences from different countries, just like a remote hometown in a foreign land. Can you talk about how you felt when you edited these travelling moments?
A4: I agree. My parents lived in China for several years. For them, China was both a travel destination and a part of their everyday life. The sense of familiarity in the footage likely comes from the fact that my parents, as the filmmakers, viewed the landscape with a sense of closeness. I don’t have memories from the time I lived in China, but I heard a lot of stories from my parents. When I watched this footage, it felt like my imagination had overlapped with reality. It wasn’t so much that memories were coming back, but rather I thought, "Ah, so this is what it was like."

It's Time to Play Together, Kokoha Kubo, 2024
Q5: One of the most interesting part of the film is the relationship between the sound and the image, which reminds me of certain Marguerite Duras films, traveling between her France and India in a way. That is to say, the sound and the image sometimes separate and sometimes fit together. Can you tell me what your goal is in terms of the sound-image relationship?
A5: Thank you for the interesting comparison. When sound and image align naturally, it creates a more grounded impression compared to the moments when they are separate. This contrast emphasizes the sense of reliving these memories, even though the footage is entirely new to them and should feel unfamiliar. In the silent parts, only the visuals and subtitles exist. Sometimes, when you read the subtitles, you might miss the visuals, and vice versa, and you have to choose between one or the other.
Q6: This idea might be a bit private, perhaps due to our past experiences with East Asian archival home movies, few audiences may have ‘expected’ certain conflicts between the characters while watching the film. However, your work somehow refuses to go into that direction. Even though it is not entirely without any melancholy, it is indeed tender, lovely and joyful just like what the beautiful title of the film sounds like. Was the drama of conflicts something you deliberately tried to avoid? Is your memory and impression of your family mostly joyful, which is of course reflected in the film, or maybe you intentionally avoided the unhappy part?
A6: From what I’m able to observe within my limited perspective, I think most people are living by finding compromises rather than hoping for change through conflict. However, I also believe there are events where conflict is inevitable. In interpersonal relationships, conflicts do occur, but often the reasons are unclear. There are times when conflicts happen without understanding why, and even when trying to be kind, things don’t go well. I think these thoughts are reflected in the absence of conflict in the film.
more information:'s-time-to-play-together