BISFF Correspondence 通信计划
This program involves conducting brief email interviews with the directors of the international films featured in the festival, in lieu of the traditional Q&A session that follows the screenings. Through this program, we hope to provide a platform for filmmakers to discuss their work and share their insights with our audience in China.
为了跨越种种障碍,开辟更多交流空间,我们设置了“BISFF Correspondence 通信计划”,对部分国际单元的参展作者进行系列访谈,这些访谈将在作品放映后发布在联展各个媒体平台。

Down by the River|An der Saale hellem Strande|在明亮的萨勒河畔
Dirk Hornschuch, Karl-Friedrich König
2024|0:18:30|Germany|German, Castilian Spanish, English|World Premiere
Director: Dirk Hornschuch, Karl-Friedrich König
Interviewer: Shiyi Zhao
Translator: Lin He
Coordinator & Editor: Suliko
Q1: What inspired you to focus on this hidden story from Merseburg's past? The film tells the story of two Cuban workers who died in a violent confrontation in Merseburg in 1979. How did you first learn about this incident? What motivated you to "recover" this forgotten history through film? In the early stages of creation, which aspects of this history were you particularly drawn to?
A1: Dirk first became aware of the incident during a bicycle tour organized by activists, which focused on migration stories in the former GDR (East Germany). Throughout the tour, he gained insight into the experiences of contract workers ("Vertragsarbeiter") who had come to the GDR from socialist states such as Vietnam, Cuba, and Angola. He learned about their living conditions, the challenges they faced, and, notably, the racism they endured in a post-Nazi society. The final stop on the tour was a picturesque viewpoint, the same one featured at the start of the film. The stark contrast between this serene, beautiful location and the brutal events of 1979 left a profound impression on Dirk, one that lingered in his mind for a long time.
When we first met in April 2023, Dirk shared with Karl the story of what transpired in Merseburg during the summer of 1979. Karl, who had grown up in Merseburg and had never heard of the incident, was immediately captivated and taken aback. It sparked his interest in revisiting Merseburg, a place that had been significant in his own childhood. Karl became the driving force behind the thorough research, delving into archives and scouring social media for more information.
Q2: Are the posters and graffiti commemorating the deaths of the two young men in Merseburg real, or were they created and placed by the production team? The film addresses themes of memory gaps and the disappearance of imagery, yet these posters suggest that some in the city still remember the incident. What meaning were you trying to convey through these visual elements?
A2: We did not invent or put up any stickers or graffiti ourselves. These are all ephemerals that we found and shot on site. Some people - local activists, citizens, but also people from nearby cities like Halle, Leipzig or Berlin - remember what happened on 12th August 1979 in Merseburg. We even see the commemoration protest at the end of the film. This is an annual meeting organised by an initiative that fights for the remembrance of Delfin Guerra and Raúl Garcia Paret.
It was very important for us to highlight different perspectives of remembrance (or non-remembrance) as we also sensed very different attitudes and opinions people have towards the incident in Merseburg. These ambigous melage seemed to prove itself of vital importance to the film.

Down by the River, Dirk Hornschuch, Karl-Friedrich König, 2024
Q3: The film juxtaposes images of Merseburg with archival texts such as interviews, letters, and Facebook discussions, yet none of the narrators appear on screen. This separation between imagery and sound is intriguing. Furthermore, the visuals of Merseburg create an impression of a desolate, empty city haunted by its past. Why did you choose to depict Merseburg with an intentional "absence of imagery"? Was this "absence" a deliberate narrative strategy, and what emotions or meanings were you aiming to convey through this choice? What do you say about this sense of "haunting spectrality" of Merseburg?
A3: Our idea was to depict Merseburg through the imagery the town chose to have: Postcard motifs that show streets, the castle and orangery or flowerbeds in front of the train station. On the one hand it is quite beautiful, but also appears ghostly. You can see that the life of Merseburgs residents is not really concentrated on those tidy and romantic places, but rather unfolds in the city center, the train station or in social media chat groups.
We found it interesting, to not concentrate on one individual specially, but rather show groups of people as proxies. You can get a better feeling of the vibe of the town, it’s a bit like a city tour, but we don’t create a too one-sided image of the city: Sometimes, there are vibrant streets, kids playing in the evening sun or deserted parks.
Q4: How did you select and edit the urban imagery in the film? Elements such as the river, the abandoned disco hall, the forest, and the posters play a significant role in the film. The underwater shots in the beginning and the end are very interesting. Could you elaborate on their design and their role in the film’s narrative? Also, how did you approach the selection of other urban scenes, such as train stations and streets? Moreover, many of these urban images were captured with still shots and seem to maintain a certain distance from the cityscape. Why did you choose this cinematography style? Finally, regarding the editing sequence of these visuals, how did you design and arrange them?
A4: Initially, the train station played a much more prominent role in the film. It was the starting point for all of our research journeys, as we too arrived by train. Beyond its symbolic importance for our narrative, the station holds significant meaning for the town itself: it is a place where people of various nationalities and social backgrounds converge. Today, Merseburg is also a vibrant student city, with many individuals commuting from nearby Leipzig or Halle for work or studies. This diversity is evident in other shots throughout the film. Despite its population of around 35,000, the town is remarkably varied.
Throughout the project, we sought to be guided by the presence of Delfin Guerra and Raúl Garcia Paret, envisioning their potential movements from forty years ago. We repeatedly asked ourselves: Where might they have been? The train station, the nightclub, their accommodation—briefly seen in the film—and public spaces were all carefully chosen as part of our exploration of their likely paths.

Down by the River, Dirk Hornschuch, Karl-Friedrich König, 2024
Q5: The audio track features letters from the Paret family, messages from Guerra, and other interviews, presented faithfully in their original languages (Spanish and German). However, the subtitles do not explicitly differentiate between the two languages. For audiences unfamiliar with these languages, do you worry this might lead to misunderstanding or loss of meaning? Or was this ambiguity an intentional aspect of the English version? What significance were you hoping to convey through this linguistic uncertainty?
A5: To be honest, during the film's production, we didn't consider the fact that some audiences might struggle to distinguish between Spanish and German, which now seems rather Eurocentric. In hindsight, it’s intriguing to experience the film in a single language, as this approach removes the barrier between the two groups who, in 1979, were unable to understand each other — a key aspect of the conflict between Germans and Cubans at the time. This choice may shift the focus more onto the racism and stigma faced by Delfin Guerra and Raúl Garcia Paret, though this is merely speculative on our part.
At present, we can’t think of a better solution to this dilemma than to preface the captions with [spoken in Spanish] and [spoken in German].
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