BISFF Correspondence 通信计划
This program involves conducting brief email interviews with the directors of the international films featured in the festival, in lieu of the traditional Q&A session that follows the screenings. Through this program, we hope to provide a platform for filmmakers to discuss their work and share their insights with our audience in China.
为了跨越种种障碍,开辟更多交流空间,我们设置了“BISFF Correspondence 通信计划”,对部分国际单元的参展作者进行系列访谈,这些访谈将在作品放映后发布在联展各个媒体平台。
Children of Cement|Hijos del Cemento|水泥之子
Santiago Quirama M.
2023|0:21:24|Colombia|Castilian Spanish|Asian Premiere
Director: Santiago Quirama M.
Interviewer & Translator: Berger
Coordinator & Editor: Suliko
Q1: In the opening and ending of the short film, you designed two driving sequences in opposite directions. They gave me a sense of flowing consciousness and thoughts when I watched them. Could you talk about the intention behind this design?
A1: First of all, I’d like to tell you that I’m using ChatGPT to check my spelling because I’m still a bit insecure about my English, so sorry in advance for anything that isn’t 100% clear haha. And second, my answers may not be as thoughtful, artistic, or poetic as you may want or expect, but I’d rather be honest with you.
This film was little to non-planned at all. At a certain moment I thought that it could be nice to film the road that goes to the factory (called El Cairo), that decision was influenced by the films of Colombian filmmaker Rubén Mendoza, particularly Señorita María, which starts with the same image. Honestly, I just wanted to copy that image, but it turned out to be great, poetic and esthetically, for our film. We first filmed all that we could in a couple of journeys to El Cairo and its surroundings and then we wrote the script. I don’t remember when exactly, but we realized that the image of the road corresponded to the routine of the workers, because most of them lived in a town nearby, so they had to travel every day for an hour before getting there. Afterward we started to create the character and set those questions about the meaning of work.
About the ending, it was a simple decision to finish the film as it started, close to that idea of routine, you get to the factory in the morning and leave in the afternoon. Honestly, I don’t like the ending, but I guess it works.
我在拍这部电影前其实没有什么计划。我认为El Cairo工厂前的这条道路十分适合拍摄,这一想法受到了哥伦比亚电影人鲁本·门多萨(Rubén Mendoza)的电影《山上穿裙子的玛利亚小姐》(Señorita María)的影响,这部影片的开场部分和我的电影是相似的。事实上,一开始我只是想模仿那个画面,但最终发现它既有诗意又有美感,对我们的电影来说非常合适。我们首先在工厂及其周边地区进行了大量的拍摄,然后才写了剧本。随后我们意识到,这条路和工人们的日常工作有关,他们大多数人都住在附近的小镇上,而抵达工厂往往需要一小时的时间。之后我们开始构思角色,并设置了这些关于工作意义的问题。
Children of Cement, Santiago Quirama M., 2023
Q2: I watched this short film in a very quiet environment, and your sound design left a deep impression on me. I noticed many delicate sounds, like birdsong, whistles, and even the flick of a lighter, but I didn’t fully grasp their meaning. Could you share the intention process behind your sound design?
A2: I can’t tell you the meaning of those, or any, elements because I don’t know it either haha. When I sat down with the team that created the sound design, I just told them to do whatever they wanted, and I only explained to them that the film was constructed on a narrative structure based on the four elements: earth, fire, wind and water, in that order.
Earth being the roads that goes to the factory and a feeling of introspection (a state of being down to earth, so to speak), Fire the factory itself and the passion for working, Wind the family and a feeling of calmness and deep breath, and Water the river nearby and the idea of letting go with its current. When the sound was ready, I didn’t want to know the meaning of anything nor the decisions that they made to place a specific sound in a specific moment, so that’s all I can tell you about the process and intention of the sound design.
Q3: I noticed that many films of similar themes often use voiceovers, but this short film did not choose this method. What considerations led to this decision?
A3: That’s probably the only conscious decision of the film. Since the beginning we knew we wanted to explore a film essay format, whatever the film turned out to be we knew it was going to be very discursive. When we created the story and the character, I felt that there wasn’t a narrator who could embrace and embody this story, because a worker doesn’t talk like that, and a neutral or professional narrator doesn’t deserve to pretend to be a worker. At the time, I find those intellectual films about the working class to be very disgusting and disconnected from the people they talk about.
So, we just left people to read it, in their heads with their own voice, since this film turned out to be a portrayal of Colombian middle and working class lives, I thought that it was a way for people to identify and maybe see themselves, their families, or someone they know in the images, sounds, voices and texts of the film.
Children of Cement, Santiago Quirama M., 2023
Q4: In the short film, I noticed that you juxtaposed multiple images in the same frame, with some images appearing in repetition. This design gives me a sense of layering or looping. Could you talk about the creative intention behind this visual method? Does it connect to the narrative or emotional expression in any specific way?
A4: That sequence came out of nowhere, I don’t remember what I was thinking when I edited it, I probably wasn’t thinking about anything. In a previous version it had a different text that talked about routine, but then I deleted it, so, I’m not quite sure what it’s about in the end. I like not knowing and not having everything under control.
Q5: The introduction of this film says you want to explore the imprint of work on workers and its role in family formation. How did you decide to focus on this topic?
A5: We didn’t want to make a film about that, that’s what we got at the end. Recently I read an interview with Chilean filmmaker Raúl Ruiz, in which he says: “I come up with the story once the film is finished and before it’s released in theaters; it's simply something included in the press kit.” And that’s what I did, I wrote that in 5 minutes before sending an e-mail to the first festival that asked me for the press materials of the film.
We just wanted to make a film about that factory that was dying and had been very important for many people we knew, but we never knew what it was going to be about.
Thank you for wanting to know more about our film and for sharing these thoughts with your audience!
事实上,我们最开始并不想拍摄一部讨论这一问题的影片,这是我们在电影制作结束后才想到的。最近,我读到一篇智利电影人劳尔·鲁伊斯(Raúl Ruiz)的采访,他在里面提到:“我是在电影完成后和上映前才想出这个故事的,它只是新闻资料包里的东西。”我也是这样。在给第一个向我索要影片相关信息的电影节发邮件前,我用5分钟写了这些内容。
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