
Tout ceci vous reviendra
All of This Belongs to You
Lilian Fanara
这是一部非常动人又细腻的作品。也许我们都有一个人探索一个空间的经验。在一个安静又秀丽的房子里,面对着起伏的山脉,一个青年男子通过声音的方式重新探索他自杀去世的文学老师的家,男子妹妹的闯入改变了原本一个人咀嚼悲伤的时刻,也逐渐揭露出三个人各自的困惑和痛苦。影片的视角在三个角色中转换,和世界相处的不适、成长中的痛楚和不在场的人的梦境等等交织在一起。对男子成长中重要的老师,却是伤害妹妹情感的同一个人,而老师也有着自己隐秘的挣扎。人性的复杂和活在世界的切实感受,在角色的声音中流转,也带来了这个房子以外的更大的社会空间。这部影片像是一个选择离开世界的人留给还活着的人的一次叩问,久久地留在我的脑海中。- 刘新竹
A profoundly evocative and intricately crafted piece of work, who explores the notion that we each may have a solitary exploration of a particular space. Set within a tranquil and scenic residence overlooking rolling mountains, a young man embarks on a sonic journey to rediscover the home of his deceased literary mentor, who took his own life. The unexpected intrusion of the young man's sister disrupts what was intended as a moment of solitary mourning, gradually unveiling the individual perplexities and sorrows of all three characters. The film's narrative perspective seamlessly transitions between these characters, interweaving themes of societal unease, the pains of personal growth, and the subconscious musings of those absent. The mentor, pivotal in the young man's development, emerges as the same individual who inflicts emotional turmoil upon the sister, while harboring undisclosed struggles of his own. Through the voices of these characters, the film deftly captures the intricacies of human nature and the palpable experiences of existing within society, transcending the confines of the domestic setting. It serves as a poignant inquiry, left behind by one who chose to depart this world, resonating profoundly within the recesses of my consciousness. - Liu Xinzhu

Euridice, Euridice|欧律狄刻,欧律狄刻
Lora Mure-Ravaud
劳拉·穆雷-拉沃 Lora Mure-Ravaud
在打破了功能性电影剧作的两段式结构中,影片以一种看似松散的笔调,勾勒出了一名意大利小镇青少年于一段不经意的人生片段中,内心微不足道的涟漪。但这看似不足道也的波澜,在作者细腻微妙的镜头下,被放大成了硕大的浪花,盛开在爱琴海上主人公的心上人坠落的那方蔚蓝中。- 王申
Breaking away from the conventional dichotomous structure of functional film plots, this film employs a seemingly casual narrative tone to delineate the inconspicuous ripples within a fleeting episode of an Italian small-town teenager's life. However, what initially appears trivial is, under the author's nuanced lens, amplified into formidable waves, blossoming within the cerulean expanse of the Aegean Sea, where the protagonist's beloved descends. - Wang Shen

Sonido: Ivans & Tobis
Diogo Baldaia
影片借用独特的物件和意象,构建起一套独特的符号系统。在这套系统中,作者以一种充满想象力的方式,在前卫和刻奇的微妙边界间来回游走,逐步接近少年内心里电光火石间的愤怒与恐惧。- 王申
The film employs a unique array of objects and symbols to construct a singular symbolic system. Within this system, the author adeptly maneuvers between avant-garde and idiosyncratic elements, imaginatively traversing the subtle boundaries, gradually approaching the adolescent's inner turmoil of anger and fear. - Wang Shen

Mise à nu|Catching Birds|裸露
Simon Maria Kubiena, Lea Marie Lembke
影片以其独特的手持摄影和浅景深的拍摄手法,细腻地捕捉了一个处在青春期的女孩Anouk在摔跤训练中的心理变化和成长历程。影片中的人物间的关系并不完全依赖对白,而是借助摔跤这项运动,以及眼神、表情和肢体语言来呈现。演员们的表演极为自然和精准,每一个细微的情感变化都被完美地捕捉。这部影片不仅关于体育竞技,更是关于个人成长和自我发现的故事。Anouk的角色塑造充满力量,展现了一个年轻女孩在男性主导的体育项目与环境中的挣扎与努力、脆弱与坚韧。 - 朱声仄
The film, with its unique handheld cinematography and shallow depth-of-field technique, delicately captures the psychological changes and growth process of Anouk, an adolescent girl, during her wrestling training. The relationships between characters in the film do not solely rely on dialogue; rather, they are portrayed through wrestling as a sport, along with eye contact, facial expressions, and body language. The actors' performances are exceptionally natural and precise, flawlessly capturing every subtle emotional shift. This film is not merely about athletic competition but also a narrative of personal growth and self-discovery. Anouk's character portrayal exudes strength, illustrating the struggle, effort, vulnerability, and resilience of a young girl within a predominantly male-dominated sports setting and environment. - Zhu Shengze