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BISFF2023|International Competition 国际竞赛单元



风景何时成为风景?又可能在何时停止成为风景?路易斯·莱乔萨(Luis Lechosa)在《糟糕的时代》Fare Thee Ill,2022)中重新审视了作为旅游区的山脉,试图从活动在该区域的幽灵和实体的各个角度,重新审视一个风景的心理线索。克拉拉·贝金(Clara Becking)的《天空》(Sky,2023)斯特凡·克鲁斯(Stefan Kruse)的《低感光度》Sensitivity in Low Light Conditions,2023)都选择了对风景长久的凝视,而电影则成为凝视中的出神过程,凝视和出神成为风景产生“风景”的生产系统。

人如何介入风景?其行为的价值意义又是什么?莱昂诺尔·梅尔西(Léonore Mercier)在《野性》Savage, 2023)中展示了一个惊人的案例,几百匹野马被驱赶下山,成为一场人类节日的主角,但又在其过程中被立刻客体化。《木结构如何在我心存续》How the wooden structures survived in my mind, 2023)和《乌托邦乐园》Tierra Utopia, 2022)都在尝试回避人在风景中作为强主体性的存在,转而去探讨人类的痕迹,建造或者遗留的行为与自然的互动过程。在《家庭符号学》Semiotics of the Home, 2023)中,林怡平(Jessi Ali Lin)和陈省聿(Hsin-Yu Chen)用一辆巨大的挖掘机模拟标志性的日常生活,而其模拟行为发生的环境——一片巨大的拆迁瓦砾堆——使这些荒诞的行为显得额外庄重,挖掘机“轻柔”地煎蛋、叠衣服、洗碗,使得作品成为在其风景前的冥想和忏悔行为。尤西·艾罗拉(Jussi Eerola)在《蝗鸣四起》Grasshopper, 2023)中所做的事情正好相反,他以灯光的律动装饰无人的空间,试图依靠建筑的肌理和线条来完成对风景灵魂的召唤。

《鬼影》Eidolon, 2023)中,Axel Chemin制造了一种主体和虚假背景之间的紧张感,风景成为一种由于虚假而令人疑虑,却又因此充满存在性的多余之物。《气象摄影机的记录》Recordings of a Weather Camera, 2023)则选择了气象摄影机的画面,用一种反电影的,貌似呆滞和缓慢的摄像头视角暗示着人在大自然前的盲动。本着同样工作方向的土耳其导演菲拉特·尤塞尔(Fırat Yucel)在《2020年3月8日:回忆录》March 8, 2020: A Memoir, 2023)中寻找种种监控录像的观看盲区,重新解构着城市中人类的轨迹。


Returning to the Landscape

Perhaps, before the outbreak of the three-year pandemic, viewing landscapes had already become a luxury. Consumer society taught us more about how to ignore landscapes, as it required a viewing system that could highlight numerous commodity subjects. Similar to the "cinematic effect" of many smartphone cameras, whose main function is to blur the background of the subject, the landscape behind is thus erased by optical lenses and digital effects. This seems to imply that "landscape" is an element excluded by the popular image system. However, when you truly want to see the landscape as the subject, it is immediately transformed into something else by precise photography and post-production systems. They serve another set of narrative logics behind them, thereby serving a hidden subject. But perhaps, after three years of confinement, when we step out of our homes again and reexamine the landscape, the landscape has become something that urgently needs its boundaries to be expanded.

When does a landscape become a landscape? And when might it cease to be one? Luis Lechosa reexamines mountains as tourist areas in "Fare Thee Ill" (2022), attempting to explore the psychological clues of a landscape from various perspectives of ghosts and entities active in the region. Clara Becking's "Sky" (2023) and Stefan Kruse's "Sensitivity in Low Light Conditions" (2023) choose to gaze at landscapes for an extended period, and film becomes a trance in the gaze, turning the act of gazing and being entranced into a production system for creating "scenery."

How does humanity intervene in the landscape? What is the value significance of its actions? Léonore Mercier showcases a striking case in "Savage" (2023), where hundreds of wild horses are driven down the mountain, becoming the protagonists of a human festival but immediately objectified in the process. "How the wooden structures survived in my mind" (2023) and "Tierra Utopia" (2022) attempt to avoid the strong subjectivity of humans in the landscape, instead exploring the traces left by human actions and interactions with nature. In "Semiotics of the Home" (2023), Jessi Ali Lin and Hsin-Yu Chen simulate iconic daily life with a giant excavator, and the environment where these absurd behaviors take place—a huge demolition debris pile—adds extra gravity to these whimsical actions. The excavator "gently" fries eggs, folds clothes, and washes dishes, making the work a meditation and repentance in front of its landscape. Jussi Eerola, in "Grasshopper" (2023), does the opposite by decorating empty spaces with the rhythmic play of light, attempting to summon the soul of the landscape through the texture and lines of architecture.

In "Eidolon" (2023), Axel Chemin creates a tension between the subject and the false background, making the landscape a redundant entity due to its falseness, yet filled with existentialism. "Recordings of a Weather Camera" (2023) opts for the visuals from a weather camera, using a seemingly sluggish and slow camera perspective, suggesting a blind movement of humans in front of nature in an anti-cinematic way. Following a similar direction, Turkish director Fırat Yucel in "March 8, 2020: A Memoir" (2023) seeks blind spots in the viewing of various surveillance videos, reconstructing the trajectories of humanity in the city.

When the allure of the subject gradually fades, its background can become a thought-provoking entity suspended at any coordinates of time and space. Perhaps, films still have several opportunities to become a way for us to think, to return to the background of the subject, to return to the landscape to counteract a kind of weariness in image thinking—perhaps it is one of them.

71 films combined in the BISFF2023 international competition. These films will be screened in the Goethe Institute Beijing, Institut Francais and Beijing Nanluo Theatre from 2nd to 10th December.

Caro Mostro|Dear Monster|亲爱的怪兽

Stefano P. Testa


Asia Premiere

The Enlightenment|启蒙

Stephanie Barber


Asia Premiere

Смертьстатиста|Death of an Extra|多余的死亡

Mikhail Zheleznikov


Chinese Mainland Premiere

March 8, 2020: A Memoir|2020年3月8日:回忆录

Fırat Yücel


Chinese Mainland Premiere

Blue, Woman, Dress|蓝色 女子 裙子

Jinhyun Kim

2023|0:19:40|Germany,Republic of Korea|Korean

International Premiere

Manuale di cinematografia per dilettanti – Vol. I|A Companion for Amateur Cinematographers: Vol. I|业余摄影师指南:第一辑

Federico Di Corato


Chinese Mainland Premiere


Andres Jurado


Asia Premiere

Das Kulturgespräch im Radio|Culture Talk on the Radio|广播上的文化对谈


2022|0:27:00|Germany, Switzerland|English

Chinese Mainland Premiere

Yvuuhza Okaina|平和奥凯纳

Ferney Iyokina Gittoma


Asia Premiere

Zio Palmiro|Uncle Palmiro|帕米罗叔叔

Luca Sorgato


International Premiere

Todo está perdido|All Is Lost|一切都已失去

Carla Pereira, Juanfran Jacinto


Asia Premiere

How the wooden structures survived in my mind|木结构如何在我心存续

Thadeusz Tischbein


Asia Premiere

De Imperio|De Imperio|来自帝国

Alessandro Novelli

2023|0:13:15|Portugal, Spain|No Dialogue

Chinese Mainland Premiere


Oğuzhan Kaya

2023|0:06:00|Turkey|No Dialogue

Asia Premiere

映像書簡あぶり出し・あそーと|ABURIDASHI Assortment: Video Letters written in invisible ink|炙出系列:隐形墨水的视频信

Nonoho Suzuki


Asia Premiere


Tommaso Cotronei


Asia Premiere

Natureza Humana|Human Nature|人性

Mónica Lima

2023|0:25:28|Portugal, Germany|Portuguese

Chinese Mainland Premiere

Svačija unuka|Everybody's Granddaughter|所有人的孙女

Svetlana Ćopić


Asia Premiere


Francesco Montagner

2022|0:15:16|Czech Republic (Czechia), Slovakia|No Dialogue

Chinese Mainland Premiere

眼球の人|The Eyeball Person|眼球人

Yuri Muraoka


Chinese Mainland Premiere

Shrimp Love|虾之恋

Sarah Fitterer


Asia Premiere

Plaza Melayang|Enflightenment|亦浮扬

Wey Yinn Teo

2023|0:11:00|Malaysia|Malay, Chinese Dialect

Asia Premiere

Ñuhu: Seres Sagrados|Ñuhu: Sacred Beings|Ñuhu: 神圣的存在者

Julio César Saavedra Castro

2022|0:24:24|Mexico|Spanish; Castilian

International Premiere


Tomás Paula Marques

2023|0:15:24|Portugal Portuguese

Asia Premiere

Les yeux verts|Green Eyes|绿眼睛

Sacha Teboul


World Premiere


Nicolas Graux| TRƯƠNG MINH Quý

2023|0:13:00|Belgium, Singapore, Vietnam|French, English, Vietnamese

Chinese Mainland Premiere

Bold Eagle|Bold Eagle|雄鹰

Whammy Alcazaren

2022|0:16:20|Philippines, Singapore|Tagalog

Chinese Mainland Premiere

Du Bist So Wunderbar|Paradise Europe|欧洲天堂

Leandro Goddinho |Paulo Menezes

2023|0:17:50|Brazil, Germany|English, German, Portuguese

Asia Premiere


Pedro Vargas


Asia Premiere

La casa del bosco|The House in the Woods|林中之屋

Giovanni Benini,|Luca Mantovani


International Premiere

Visão do Paraíso|Vision of Paradise|天堂之景

Leonardo Pirondi

2022|0:16:02|Brazil, UK, USA|Portuguese, English

Asia Premiere


Mischa Hedinger|Michela Flück


Asia Premiere

Do you dare to show me the wound|你敢给我看伤口吗

Danila Lipatov


World Premiere


Clara Becking


World Premiere

La Partida de las Imágenes|The Departing Images|远去的影像

Ana Edwards

2023|0:11:11|France|Spanish; Castilian

Asia Premiere

I Would Like to Rage|我想愤怒

Chloé Galibert-Laîné

2023|0:11:20|France|English, French

Asia Premiere


Léonore Mercier


Asia Premiere

En attendant les Robots|Human, not human|人,非人

Natan Castay

2023|0:39:40|Belgium|English, French, Portuguese

Asia Premiere

Thời Thơ Ấu|Childhood|童年

Vi Tuong Bui

2023|0:07:00|United States|Vietnamese

Chinese Mainland Premiere


Leandros Brown |Daniel Howells

2023|0:29:51|South Africa|Afrikaans

Asia Premiere

Ultimate Bliss|Ultimate Bliss|至高幸福

Miguel de Jesus


Asia Premiere

Semiotics of the Home|家庭符号学

Hsin-Yu Chen|Jessi Ali Lin

2023|0:07:55|USA No Dialogue

Chinese Mainland Premiere

Ozr el wezzah|The Goose's Excuse|鹅的借口

Mahdy Abo Bahat|Abdo Zin Eldin

2023|0:25:15|Egypt, UK|Arabic

Asia Premiere

Se Khahar|Three Sisters|三姐妹

Iman Behrouzi

2022|0:12:13 |Iran (Islamic Republic of)|Persian

Chinese Mainland Premiere

The Key|钥匙

Rakan Mayasi

2023|0:18:30|Belgium, Qatar, France|Hebrew

Chinese Mainland Premiere

Double Around the Interlude|双倍循环间奏

Stefano Miraglia

2022|0:14:55|France, Italy|English

Asia Premiere


Roy Arida

2023|0:37:00|France, Lebanon|Arabic

Asia Premiere


Axel Chemin


Asia Premiere

ให้แสงอาบกายให้กาลวายสิ้น|Blinded by Centuries|世纪迷失

Parinda Mai Parinda Ma

2022|0:13.57|Thailand, USA|Thai,English

亚洲首映 Asia Premiere

Mal Siglo Haya|Fare Thee Ill|糟糕的时代

Luis Lechosa

2022|0:38:17|Spain|Spanish; Castilian

International Premiere

Ympyrän neliöimisestä|Square the Circle|圆矩求方

Hanna Hovitie

2023|0:17:26|Finland Finnish

Chinese Mainland Premiere


Anton Cla

2023|0:12:25|Belgium|No Dialogue

Suya Dokun|Touch the Water|触水

Yusuf Demirors

2023|0:07:53|United States|Turkish

Asia Premiere

Vienen las grietas|Cracks Will Come|丛林绮想

Daniel Mateo Vallej

2022|0:18:09|Colombia, Netherlands|Spanish; Castilian

Chinese Mainland Premiere

Cette histoire existe|This story to exist|故事存在

Pauline Moussours


Chinese Mainland Premiere


Aude David|Mikaël Gaudin

0:10:00|France|No Dialogue

Asia Premiere

La desesperación de los monos|The despair of monkeys|猿猴的绝望

Julián García Long

2022|0:16:46|France|Spanish; Castilian, French

Asia Premiere

Tierra Utopia|Tierra Utopia|乌托邦乐园

Domenico Singha Pedroli

2022|0:21:59|Switzerland, Portugal|Portuguese, English, Italian, French

World Premiere

La plage aux êtres|The Beach of Beings|生命之滩

Kendra McLaughlin

2022|0:20:00|France|English, French

Chinese Mainland Premiere

Sensitivity in Low Light Conditions|Sensitivity in Low Light Conditions|低感光度

Stefan Kruse Jørgensen

2023|0:21:30|Germany, Denmark|English

Asia Premiere

Why Are You Image Plus?|Why Are You Image Plus?|为什么你是图像加?

Diogo Baldaia

2023|0:08:44|Portugal English

Chinese Mainland Premiere

Three Secret Clues of Longing|Three Secret Clues of Longing|渴望的三个秘密线索

Zhenia Kazankina

2023|0:04:25|Switzerland|No Dialogue

Asia Premiere


Simon Rittmeier

2022 0:12:00 Germany, Rwanda|Kinyarwanda, English

Asia Premiere


Medhin Tewolde Serrano

2023|0:20:06|Mexico|Spanish; Castilian

Asia Premiere

الحديقة السريّة|The Secret Garden|秘密花园

Nour Ouayda

2023|0:27:15|Lebanon Arabic

Chinese Mainland Premiere

아름다운시체 삼부작|Exquisite Corpse Trilogy|美尸三部曲

Seokyoung Yang

2023|0:17:03|USA, Republic of Korea|Korean, English

Chinese Mainland Premiere

Aufnahmen einer Wetterkamera|Recordings of a Weather Camera|气象摄影机的记录

Bernhard Wenger

2023|0:18:30|Austria, Germany|German, English, Dutch; Flemish

Chinese Mainland Premiere

L'Ombra di Rasputin|拉斯普京的影子

Pietro Francesco Pingitore


Chinese Mainland Premiere


Robin Klengel|Adrian Jonas |Michael Stumpf


Asia Premiere

Malestar Transatlántico|Transatlantic Malaise|跨越大西洋的不安

Diego Andres Murillo

2023|0:11:37|Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Switzerland|English, Spanish; Castilian

Asia Premiere


Jussi Eerola Jussi

2023|0:09:00|Finland|No Dialogue

Asia Premiere


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