BISFF Correspondence 通信计划
为了跨越种种障碍,开辟更多交流空间,我们设置了“BISFF Correspondence 通信计划”,对部分国际单元的参展作者进行系列访谈,这些访谈将在作品放映后发布在联展各个媒体平台。
De dag die wit was|The Day That Was White|白色的那天
Wannes Vanspauwen
Belgium|Dutch, Flemish|0:14:41|2021|Chinese Mainland Premiere
Director导演:Wannes Vanspauwen
Interviewer&translator采访、翻译:张振娇Zhan Zhenjiao
Q:In this 10-minute film, old man, ethnic minorities, couples, children, models and photographers, making up a highly heterogeneous group, were stuck in a specifically limited space to wait. What opportunity made you create such a story?
A:When I was a child, my mother and I were cruising along the highway, and on the other side, there was an extensive traffic jam. What was remarkable wasn't the congestion itself but the way people responded to it. They were out of their cars, setting up barbecues on the asphalt, laughing and connecting with strangers, creating an unexpected festival in the midst of chaos. It was surreal, almost like stepping into a parallel world.
That incident sparked a profound curiosity within me. It made me wonder how individuals respond to these unexpected incidents. This childhood memory became a seed for the film's concept.
I was drawn to the idea of exploring how a single event – a misty traffic jam in this case – could serve as a catalyst for bringing together a motley crew of characters, each with their individual narratives but unified by a shared experience. It provided a unique canvas to delve into some of the complexities of the human condition, the unpredictability of life, and the shared threads of our existence. It's fascinating to see how extraordinary circumstances can emerge from the ordinary, turning a mundane highway journey into an exploration of humanity.
Q:Is the fog in the film real? How did you film it?
A:Yes! It’s real! But it’s done with fog machines. The visual aesthetics, particularly the fog, played a crucial role in shaping the narrative. We needed it to be tangible, almost like a character in itself.
We started off with numerous tests to get the right look and feel for the fog. We tried multiple approaches, shooting outside in natural conditions and inside in different environments. However, none of these initial attempts quite achieved the desired effect. Eventually, we decided to shoot inside a large hangar, filling it with fog machines. This allowed us to have a controlled environment where we could manipulate the fog and the lighting to our requirements.
The breakthrough came when we decided to place lights directly into the mist. The diffusion of light through the fog created an ambiance that perfectly embodied the feeling of uncertainty we were aiming to portray. To further enhance the realism of the scene, our art director sourced trees and a guardrail. These elements worked in harmony with the lighting and fog to transport our set from an indoor hangar to a foggy, atmospheric highway.
Q:How to understand the spatial field boundary in the specific scene of "fog"? It seems to make the infinite space become temporarily limited.
A:Yes, the fog for me paradoxically takes an infinite or large space – the open highway – and makes it feel confined and limited.
In the presence of fog, the characters' field of vision, and thus their perceived world, contracts dramatically. The world beyond the fog is still there, but it is hidden, unknown, and inaccessible - much like their immediate futures or the resolution of their individual stories. They are 'stuck' not only physically in the traffic jam, but also within their limited understanding of what lies ahead.
It creates a dialectic between visibility and invisibility, between the known and the unknown, the finite and the infinite.
Spatially, fog has a paradoxical quality. It occupies a definite space but does not confirm to its traditional boundaries. It blurs the demarcation of beginning and end, encapsulating the limitless in a temporary boundary. It allows us to be in a place, and yet not fully be there, because our vision, our knowledge of the space is limited and obscured.
By distorting the characters' spatial field and shrinking the infinite into the finite, for me it embodies the human condition of being simultaneously trapped within the 'known' - the tangible, the present, the finite - while being aware of a greater 'unknown' - the intangible, the future, the infinite.
Q:How did you find all the actors? Do they need to bring their own cars (there are a lot of cars in this film after all)?
A:When I first started writing the script, I already had a clear vision of who I wanted to bring these characters to life. It wasn't solely about finding experienced actors, but also about including some of my friends, acquaintances or people who I knew would fit perfectly into these roles. The cars seen in the film were sourced from various places - some were rented, we struck a deal with a local garage company, and others were borrowed from friends and family.
Q:The film provided many curious scenes. For example, what did the flower pattern on the driving mirror represent? Why did the black woman put the mannequins on the road? What exactly is the liquid dripping on the windscreen?
A:These scenes are of course open to interpretation, to allow viewers to find their own meaning. But I can tell what it meant for me! The flower pattern on the driving mirror came with the car, I liked it and it gave the car some character so we decided to keep it. The women with mannequins is a clothing designer who lost her cargo (the mannequins) when she stopped her car abruptly. The mannequins could be seen as representations of the woman - frozen, immobile, and inert in the midst of a busy, confusing world. But placing them in the middle of the highway might also be seen as a defiance, a bold claim to exist, to take up space, even when everything seems to be in disarray for her. And the liquid on the windscreen is bird poop!
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