BISFF Correspondence 通信计划
为了跨越种种障碍,开辟更多交流空间,我们设置了“BISFF Correspondence 通信计划”,对部分国际单元的参展作者进行系列访谈,这些访谈将在作品放映后发布在联展各个媒体平台。

Patrick Muroni
Switzerland, France|French|0:14:39|2021
亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
导演:Patrick Muroni
在法国获得学士学位后,进入洛桑艺术与设计大学学习电影专业。他于2017年毕业并于2018年制作了他的第一部短片《A Summer Morning》,该短片于2019年在洛迦诺展出。他的第一部纪录长片《Ardentes·x·s》于今年在尼翁国际电影节首映。
Q & A
Director导演:Patrick Muroni
interviewer&translator采访、翻译:李予琪Li Yuqi
Q:I noticed that there is a very small amount of narration in this film, which means that you had to put more effort into the scheduling of the actors and the setting of the scenes, what was the way you directed the actors in this particular film?
A:The film was built around movement, around very strong emotions that I thought should guide the film and build a narrative. The actors were therefore predominant. I worked mainly with people I knew, friends, or people I had seen at parties and whose energy I knew. My work consisted in bringing them to find the emotion they were looking for, but without psychology, everything was done in a very concrete way, with simple actions.
Q:You use the flower in Noah's mouth at the beginning of the film as an image, what do you want to convey through this intention?
A:The flower for me is a way of announcing a poetic realism which will cross all the film. It is a flower offered to the character, but also to the spectator, a way of telling him that he should not look for a lot of meaning in this film, but above all a system of symbols, sensations, images above all.
Q:In this film you portray leaving a group as a strange emotion between cruelty and beauty, sweetness and melancholy, what does 'separation' mean to you?
A:Separation has always been a theme in my films. Here it is a separation of friendship, of love, but with a dimension perhaps a little larger too. The elsewhere we are looking for is a fantasized elsewhere. The character of the girl leaves for new adventures, no longer able to stay with this group, because this group holds her back, perhaps prevents her from being the one she fantasizes about being. I believe that sometimes you have to leave what is holding you back, even if you are experiencing extremely strong things.
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