Wang Tuo
One of the primary historical contexts for Tungus is the "Siege of Changchun," a hidden history of the 1948 Kuomintang-Communist Civil War that neither side would like to recall. In this quiet war without fire and smoke, hundreds of thousands of civilians, caught in the middle ground of beliefs and ideologies created by the military encirclement of the two armies, vanished in a primitive way - by starvation. In this film, as two soldiers from the Korean Independent Division of the Chinese People's Liberation Army try to flee Changchun, they gradually realise that they are in an overlapping time and space with that of Jeju Island, where the "Jeju uprising" has just occurred in the shadow of the Korean War. At the same time, a middle-aged scholar who refuses to flee the city of Changchun returns to the May 4th Movement of 1919 in an illusion caused by extreme hunger and subsequently makes new resolutions. In these forgotten historical narratives, Wang Tuo illustrates how hunger-led hallucinations from a shared mass experience lead to a collective conversion to "Pan-shamanism." In this conversion, he sees the Northeast Asian reality being reshaped by the power of the psyche mired in historical trauma. At the same time, the root of contemporary geopolitical dilemmas in Northeast Asia, buried deep in its recent history, are gradually unfolded and retraced.
影像“通古斯”中,一个主要的历史背景是 1948 年国共内战中一个被双方 都不愿意提起的隐秘历史——“长春围城”。在这场安静的没有硝烟的战争中, 数十万计的平民在国共两军内外军事包围圈所形成的一个信仰与意识形态的 中间地带里,以原始的方式——饥饿——消散。影片中,试图逃离长春的两 个隶属中国解放军朝鲜独立师士兵,逐渐意识到自己所处的时空已经与彼时 处于韩战阴影下刚刚发生了“济州岛事件”的济州岛相重叠。与此同时,一 个拒绝逃离长春城的中年学者,在极端饥饿的幻觉中重回 1919 年五四运动, 并作出了新的抉择。在这些几乎不被历史看见的叙述中,王拓在庞大人群共 同经历的饥饿导致幻觉,幻觉导致集体的“泛萨满性”转化中,看到一个被 深陷历史创伤中的心灵力量所重塑的东北亚现实。与此同时,当代东北亚地 缘政治困境所深埋于其自身近代史的根源被展开与回溯。