Hantao Li
Natura 2040
自然 2040
Asian Premiere
'Natura 2040' draws its inspiration from Edward O. Wilson’s provocative Half-Earth theory, which reserving half of the planet as nature reserves to address the crises of ecological degradation and species extinction. The project envisions an alternative reality where the fictional organization Natura 2040 has compressed sprawling farmland into two 100-meter high walls that demarcate the boundaries between city and nature in the artificially constructed land of Flevopolder, Netherlands. This bold move leaves half of the polder to rewild, becoming an extension of the Oostvaardersplassen Nature Reserve.
The film does not aim to present a utopian or dystopian vision of the future of farming. Instead, it offers a series of visual narratives that probe the blending of these contrasting elements. What does it mean to preserve nature on artificially constructed land? Is this still nature, or merely an artificial illusion? How can we reconcile the relationship between human-made infrastructures and the natural ecosystems they are meant to support? By questioning the essence and definition of nature when placed on a man-made foundation, the film invites viewers to ponder the motivations and implications behind such ambitious ecological experiments.
《自然2040》从生态学家爱德华·威尔逊提出的“半地球”理论中汲取灵感,这一理论主张将地球的一半划为自然保护区,以应对生态退化和物种灭绝的危机。受此影响影片构想了一个极端的生态未来:虚构的组织“Natura 2040”将大片农田压缩成两道100米高的墙,界定了城市与自然之间的边界,而这一切都发生在荷兰填海造陆的人造土地上——弗莱福圩田。这种大胆的举措将该地区一半土地重新野化,使其成为东法德斯普拉森人造自然保护区的延伸。将自然保留在人工构建的土地上意味着什么?这仍然是自然吗,还是一种人工的幻象?