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Florent Mahoukou
French, Kongo
Face to Face
Face à Face
Best Film for International Competition
International Premiere
At a difficult turning point in his personal and professional life, choreographer Florent Mahoukou returns to the city of Pointe Noire where, for him, it all started with dance. His native country has evolved very little and nothing is offered to people to get out of their precarious situation. Only informal activities allow them to survive. "Face à Face" is a questioning of oneself with a will to understand life, where the coping system borders on art.
在生活和职业生涯的转折点,编舞家Florent Mahoukou回到了黑角这个城市——他舞蹈生涯的起源。然而祖国的发展微乎甚微,人民依然无法摆脱漂泊无依的处境,只有非正规活动才能帮助他们生存。本片是在应对系统与艺术接轨之时对一个渴望理解生命的个体的质询。 (Yuchen Lu)
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