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María Casas Castillo
Belgium, Portugal, Hungary
Dust Is a Whale, Is Sunlight
Chinese Mainland Premiere
A whale existed 5 million years ago. Mark found her skeleton and decided to reassemble the pieces in a dusty basement of the Science Museum in Brussels. A filmmaker found Mark and decided to film him, the whale, and the dust. While these bones are put back together, like pieces from a puzzle, we try to imagine how life was 5 million years ago, a time before humans existed, but the sea and the sun were already here.
一头鲸⻥存在于 500 万年前。⻢克在布鲁塞尔科学博物馆一个布满灰尘的地下室里找到了它的⻣骼,决定重新拼凑这些碎片。一位电影人找到了⻢克,决定拍摄他、鲸⻥与灰尘。当这些⻣骼像拼图碎片一样被重新拼凑起来时,我们试着想象 500 万年前的生活是什么样的,那时还没有人类,但海洋和太阳已经存在了。
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