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Tom Bessoir

Tom Bessoir, in addition to being an accomplished experimental filmmaker and photographer, has published research papers on chaos theory, on the safety of railroad signaling systems that use microprocessor technology, and on the mathematics of Scrabble.
Tom was born and raised in the Astoria section of Queens in New York City in 1957. Tom studied mathematics and electrical engineering at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. While attending the Engineering School, he took advantage of Art School classes, focusing on film theory and studying experimental filmmaking with Robert Breer.
In the late 1970s, he started photographing the downtown music scene. His photographs have appeared on dozens of records as well as in films, books, magazines, and newspapers.
His experimental films often use mathematics and randomness to explore perception and the structure of cinema. They have been shown around the world in festivals, galleries, and museums.

Tom Bessoir除了是一名出色的实验电影导演和摄影师之外,还发表了关于混沌理论、关于使用微处理器技术的铁路信号系统的安全性以及关于拼字游戏的数学的研究论文。
 Tom于1957年在纽约市皇后区的阿斯托利亚区出生和长大。他在库珀联盟学习数学和电气工程,以促进科学和艺术的发展。在工程学院就读期间,他利用艺术学院的课程,专注于电影理论并跟随罗伯特·布雷尔学习实验电影制作。 1970年代末,他开始拍摄市中心的音乐场景。他的摄影作品出现在唱片、电影、书籍、杂志和报纸上。
他的实验电影经常使用数学和随机性来探索感知和电影结构,且已在世界各地的电影节、画廊和博物馆展出。 (Yuchen Lu)

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