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Related Film 相关作品
Hee Young and Oscar are an international filmmaking duo.’ They found each other because we all believe in the meanings and values of collective exploration and creation while slowly exploring different places on this planet. Combining their different cultural backgrounds and understanding of the world, they explore the possibility of cinema, to investigate relationship between people and places, memory, and family.
边禧暎是一名年轻建筑设计师和电影人。她领衔的建筑项目包括韩国蔚山港的地标建筑“ULSAN TERRACE”等,建筑出版项目曾在包括威尼斯双年展的世界各地展览展出。在电影方面,她相信创作无国界,愿意与世界各地不同的艺术家合作,以电影作为媒介探索空间与场所。
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