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Mahdi Ali Ali
Mahdi Ali Ali is a Qatari filmmaker in charge of the Training and Education Department at the Doha Film Institute. Through the years, he has successfully worked with major industry players in providing filmmakers in Qatar with comprehensive learning initiatives. Mahdi has contributed as Executive Producer and supervisor on more than 30 short films produced by the Institute. He holds an MFA from EICAR, the International Film School of Paris, and has made short films including ‘Champs Elysées, I Love You’ (2009) and ‘The Gulf Habibi’ (2011), as well as other shorts for Al Jazeera Documentary and Al Jazeera Children’s Channels.
Mahdi Ali Ali是来自卡塔尔的电影人,负责多哈电影学院培训和教育部。 多年来,他成功地与主要行业参与者合作,为卡塔尔的电影摄制者提供了全面的学习计划。 Mahdi曾担任该学院制作的30多部短片的执行制片人和监制。 他拥有巴黎国际电影学院EICAR的硕士学位,并曾制作短片,包括《Champs Elysées, I Love You》(2009)和《The Gulf Habibi》(2011),以及为半岛纪录片电视台和半岛电视台儿童频道创作的其他短片。