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Lukas Marxt
Lukas Marxt (1983, Austria) is an artist and a filmmaker living and working between Cologne and Graz. Marxt´s interest in the dialogue between human and geological existence, and the impact of man upon nature was first explored in his studies of Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Graz, and was further developed through his audio visual studies at the Art University in Linz. He received his MFA from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, and attended the postgraduate programme at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. Marxt has been sharing his research in the visual art environment as well as in the cinema context. Since 2017, Marxt has spent a considerable amount of time in Southern California, where he has researched the ecological and socio-political structures surrounding the Salton Sea.
Lukas Marxt于1983年在奥地利出生,目前在科隆和格拉茨两地生活。Marxt对人类和地质学存在之间的交流很感兴趣。人类对自然造成的影响是他在格拉茨大学地质环境科学学科学习时首要探索的课题,在他于林茨艺术大学攻读视听专业时候进一步深入研究。他在科隆媒体艺术学院取得了艺术硕士的学位,在莱比锡艺术学院参与了研究生课程。Marxt的研究不仅限于视觉艺术环境领域,也在电影媒介中得到体现。2017年开始,Marxt开始在加州南部花费大量时间进行关于索尔顿海的生态与社会政治结构研究。