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Luciano Pérez Fernández
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Luciano Pérez Fernández is a director, cinematographer and producer. He is graduated in Journalism and Cinema and has a Master in Documentary Filmmaking. His short documentary made for TV “Os boias-frias do futebol” won best short film at Cinefoot 2015 and Football Film Festival Australia 2015. Luciano has also directed music videos and webseries for YouTube. "Boca de Fogo" ("Fire Mouth") is his first film made for cinema.
卢西亚诺·佩雷兹·费尔南德斯 出生于巴西里约热内卢,是一位摄影师和制片人。他主修新闻和电影,并且取得了纪录片硕士学位。他的短纪录片《农场工人足球队》曾经在Cinefoot电影节和澳大利亚足球电影节获奖,《火嘴》是他的第一部纪录电影。
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