YAO Mengxi
YAO Mengxi lives and works in Shanghai. She involves in various aspects of Art such as curating, art criticism, and participation-oriented / project-based practice. YAO co-founded “Radical Space” in 2014 and “Chongqing Work Institute” in 2018. Yao participated in the 11th Shanghai Biennale as the scenographer of the sub-project “Theory Opera” (TO) in 2016. In that November, she was awarded a second prize of the 3rd International Awards for Art Criticism (IAAC). She was awarded one of the winners of the EMERGING CURATORS PROJECT by Power Station of Art in 2015 (Project: “Nightmare of the Exhibition (Part II): the Bilateral Theater”). She was awarded New York Fellowship 2018 for Curator (Asian Cultural Council).
策展人、独立撰稿, 激烈空间联合创办人, 重庆工作研究所成员, 目前工作生活于上海。2018 年获得 亚洲文化协会(ACC)的纽约奖助计划,2016 年获第三届 IAAC 国际艺术评论奖。 同年, 作为场景建构 (scenographer) 参与贯穿第十一届上海双年展的“理论剧院”项目。2015 年,入选上海当代艺术博物馆青 年策展人计划,并策划“展览的噩梦 ( 下 ): 双向剧场”。