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Related Film 相关作品

Kyujae Park

Park Kyujae (born 1996) studied film at Dongguk University, Seoul. He makes films with Super 8, 16mm, and digital, exploring the play of light, personal things, and nature. Along with his colleagues, he organizes independent film screenings in Seoul on a non-regular basis. He translates films for film festivals and cinematheques.

朴奎宰(1996年出生)在首尔东国大学学习电影。他使用Super 8、16mm和数字制作电影,探索光线、个人事物和自然的表达。他与同事一起,在首尔不定期组织独立电影放映。同时,也为电影节和电影协会翻译电影。

bleared eyes of blue glass


bleared eyes of blue glass
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