UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心是中国领先的当代艺术机构。UCCA秉持艺术可以深入生活、并改善生活的理念,每年为超过百万的观众带来丰富的艺术展览、公共项目和研究计划。UCCA目前拥有三座场馆:UCCA北京主馆位于798艺术区的核心地带,占地约一万平方米,其原址为建于1957年、历史悠久的厂房,于2019年完成由荷兰大都会建筑事务所(OMA)主持设计的场馆改造;UCCA沙丘美术馆由OPEN建筑事务所设计,坐落于北戴河渤海海岸的阿那亚社区内;UCCA Edge由纽约SO – IL建筑事务所设计,于2021年5月在上海静安区对公众开放。
UCCA于2007年开馆,前身为由尤伦斯夫妇创建的尤伦斯当代艺术中心。2017年,在新支持者与理事的帮助之下,UCCA顺利完成机构重组,成功转型为UCCA集团。作为北京市文化局主管的民办非企业,UCCA于2018年正式获得由北京市文化局认证的美术馆资质,并经北京市民政局与香港政府许可,在两地注册成立非营利的艺术基金会。除此之外,UCCA集团旗下还拥有其他实体机构,其商业板块包括:为儿童提供美术馆艺术教育的UCCA儿童艺术中心、涵盖艺术家和展览衍生品销售的UCCA商店,以及专注探索艺术与品牌多元跨界合作的UCCA Lab。UCCA致力于通过当代艺术,推动中国更深入地参与到全球对话之中。
UCCA was founded in 2007 by Guy and Myriam Ullens as the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art. In 2017, it evolved into the UCCA Group, under the ownership and stewardship of a new group of patrons and shareholders. Committed to the belief that art can deepen lives and transcend boundaries, UCCA presents a wide range of exhibitions, public programs, and research initiatives to a public of more than one million visitors each year.
The historical core of UCCA Group is UCCA Beijing, housed in the former factory chambers of 798 Art District, and now an accredited museum licensed by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture to present exhibitions and programs with leading Chinese and global artists and institutions. UCCA Beijing operates as a “private non-enterprise unit” under Chinese law, and is wholly owned by UCCA Group. Separately, UCCA Group holds ancillary entities, some of which are run on a for-profit basis. These include UCCA Kids, an arts-education business; UCCA Store, covering retailing affiliated with artists and exhibitions; and UCCA Lab, which produces collaborative content with commercial brands. UCCA is also actively expanding its presence throughout China in collaboration with outside partners, beginning with the opening of UCCA Dune in Aranya, Beidaihe, in 2018. A new UCCA museum in Shanghai will open in early 2021.
地铁:13号线 在望京西下车 换乘854路 在大山子路口东下车 步行710米。

Goethe-Institut China
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institution of the Federal Republic of Germany, operating worldwide. When Goethe-Institut Beijing was established on 1 November 1988, it was the first foreign cultural center in the PRC. From the beginning, it devoted itself to the promotion of the use of the German language, to provide access to knowledge and information about Germany, and to cooperate with Chinese partners in various cultural fields such as music, dance, theatre, film, visual arts, and architecture.
地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号 798艺术区创意广场
Originality Square, 798 Art District, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District
Tel.: +86 10 82512909

Situated in Beijing’s Caochangdi Art District, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre was China’s first independent organization specializing in contemporary art photography upon its founding. It was jointly founded by the influential Chinese contemporary photographer RongRong and his wife, the celebrated Japanese photographer inri. Since June 2007, Three Shadows has become the country’s premier platform for the presentation, promotion, discovery and international exchange of high-caliber photography. Three Shadows Photography Art Centre is comprised of two spaces, north and south: one is situated in Beijing’s Caochangdi Art District, while the other is located in Xinlinwan, Jimei District in the city of Xiamen in southern China. The Beijing location includes 4600 square meters of space and 2500 square meters of landscape architecture designed by famed artist and architect Ai Weiwei. The Xiamen location includes more than 3600 square meters of space and was designed by Liu Na of the celebrated firm LARGEarchitects. Aside from its exhibition spaces, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre also includes +3 Gallery, image production facilities, a vast library (Xiamen location), an educational program, a book store, and a cafe.
155A Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Bejing, China 100015
Tel: + 86 10 6432 2663